In 1867, the island of Singapore officially became part of the British Empire as part of the Straits Settlements. The colony’s population exploded soon after and its economy prospered, transforming the island into one of the empire’s most important trading ports.
By the time of the Second World War (1939-1945), Singapore had become a symbol of British power and prestige in Southeast Asia. Its strategic and political value were immense, making the island an irresistible target for another ambitious power in the region – the Empire of Japan.
The War in the East

Imperial Japan’s ambitions in the region had long been apparent by 1939. Even before the First World War, Japan had sought to expand its influence in East Asia, fighting wars against both China (First Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895) and Russia (Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905) over territory in Korea and Manchuria.
Further warning of Japan’s intentions came in 1931, again in Manchuria. Following a false-flag operation, this resource-rich region of China was seized and, in 1932, became a puppet state of the Japanese Empire. In 1937, after entering into an alliance with Nazi Germany a year prior, Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, capturing the capital, Nanjing, that same year.
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Nanshin-ron & The Southern Resources Area

With Japan’s war in China came an even greater need for resources to fuel its ever-growing industries. The solution, it was eventually agreed, was a national policy of nanshin-ron, or “Southern Advance Doctrine.” This stated that, rather than further expansion into China and Siberia, Japan would benefit more from territorial gains in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. This oil-rich region, termed the “Southern Resources Area,” would be crucial if they were to win the war in the northwest – and, as Japan was now preparing for, any future war with the Soviet Union or United States.
Of particular value were the Dutch East Indies and British Malaya. To capture and hold these colonies, the Imperial Japanese Army would need to seize the small island and port just off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula – Singapore. The island belonged to Britain and had long been the crown jewel in its Southeast Asian empire. It was a great hub of trade and commerce, and with the addition of “impregnable” defenses in the interwar period, it had become a symbol of Britain’s economic and military might in the region.
Aside from the obvious blow to British pride and morale, capturing Singapore and the other British colonies (Malaya and Burma) had the potential for wider political ramifications. If Britain could be made to capitulate, Japan reasoned, China would see the defeat of their great ally and follow suit.
On a more practical level, they also recognized the importance of Singapore’s strategic position. If the island and its naval base could be captured, Japan would have the perfect springboard from which to launch further invasions in the Southern Resources Area, giving them access to that all-important oil.
“Fortress” Singapore?

Singapore had built up a reputation to the world at large as a great fortress and stronghold. By 1938, the island had the world’s largest drydock, numerous artillery batteries, and massive 15-inch naval guns pointing out to sea. To Prime Minister Winston Churchill, it was the “Gibraltar of the East.”
Behind this veneer of strength, however, Singapore was far from the impregnable stronghold it was claimed to be. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, the defenses added during the interwar period were concentrated in what would prove to be the wrong place. Built to repel a naval attack, most of the guns and heavy artillery were placed along the island’s southern coast, making them effectively useless in the event of an attack from the north.
Further worsening the situation was Britain’s naval presence in the region. Put simply, it barely had one. No permanent fleet was stationed in Singapore, nor was it supposed to be. If an attack was imminent, a fleet would be sent to the base if needed – the assumption being that the island could easily hold out until it arrived. In any case, the bulk of Britain’s navy was already tied up with the war against Germany and Italy.
The only ships it had to defend the island were those of Force Z: a small task force of four destroyers, the battleship HMS Prince of Wales, and the battlecruiser HMS Repulse.

In the air, too, Britain came up short. The only aircraft it had available were the Vickers Vildebeest, an old light bomber biplane, and the Brewster Buffalo, a slow and cumbersome fighter. By 1941, both were obsolete and had little chance against more modern aircraft. To make things even worse, the island would have to be defended with barely 160 of these planes. In comparison, the Japanese would later deploy over 600 aircraft.
While outmatched in the sky, the British and Commonwealth forces on the ground were not – at least in terms of the number of men they could deploy. Their 88,000 troops, however, lacked experience and heavy armor. The only armor they did have, the 23 light tanks of the Indian Armoured Corps, would be outnumbered by the Japanese almost 10:1.
The Invasion Begins

On December 8, 1941, in coordination with a surprise attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, three divisions of Japanese troops began an invasion of British-owned Malaya, coming ashore in both the northeast of the country and neighboring Thailand.
The 35,000 Japanese soldiers, under the command of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, then headed southward along the west and east coasts of the country, brushing aside the British and Commonwealth troops. Lieutenant General Arthur Percival, commanding, made the mistake of spreading his forces piecemeal across the whole country, effectively nullifying his numerical advantage.
Any hope that the Malay jungle, considered impassable by the British, would slow or incapacitate the invaders was soon shattered. The Japanese were far more adept at jungle warfare and had few problems with the terrain, leaving the inexperienced defenders no option but to retreat.
Accompanying the invasion were the very latest bombers and fighters of the Japanese air force. They struck Singapore itself on the day of the landings, and in subsequent attacks targeted the airfields in Malaya at large. Within days, the Japanese had near total air superiority.

The worst consequence of this aerial domination was at sea. Just two days after the beginning of the invasion, on December 10, spotter aircraft sighted Britain’s only real asset in the battle: Force Z. With no fighter support to aid them, Prince of Wales and Repulse were attacked and harried relentlessly by Japanese torpedo bombers. Both were sunk in less than two hours.
Back on land, the Japanese advanced through Malaya with lightning speed. With their light tanks and bicycle infantry, they pushed the British and Commonwealth forces further and further south, into retreat after retreat. By January 31, 1942, this “Bicycle Blitzkrieg” had pushed them all the way back to the island of Singapore – a 600-mile dash in just 54 days.
Defending the Indefensible

Despite considerable losses in Malaya, the British and Commonwealth forces still vastly outnumbered the Japanese. By the time the causeway connecting Singapore to the mainland had been blown on January 31, they still had over 80,000 men to aid in the defense.
Morale, however, was low. The sinking of Force Z and the speed of the Japanese conquest in Malaya, coupled with the defenders’ poor training and lack of fighting experience, gave Lt. Gen. Percival and his men great cause for concern.
Unbeknownst to them, the Japanese were also having problems. On top of being outnumbered almost three to one, Gen. Yamashita knew all too well that his supply lines had become dangerously overextended. Ammunition was critically low and lost equipment could not be replaced. A protracted battle would almost certainly end in defeat.

Regardless, the Japanese pushed on with their assault. On February 8, 1942, two divisions crossed the Johore Strait in the northwest, accompanied by a massive artillery bombardment. Again, the British and Commonwealth forces were too thinly spread in their defense, leaving the Australians holding the beach woefully understrength. They were soon overrun.
The Japanese continued inland, battling their way through a stubborn but ineffectual resistance. By February 15, they had reached the city of Singapore itself. It was here the British held their final defensive line.
Unconditional Surrender

Now besieged in their great “fortress,” the situation quickly became desperate. Japanese bombers, unopposed in the skies, wreaked havoc on the city center, killing scores of civilians. The increasingly demoralized Commonwealth troops, some of whom were beginning to desert, could do little with the few anti-aircraft weapons they had. All the while the city’s massive coastal guns, once icons of Fortress Singapore’s strength, remained noticeably quiet.
With water, fuel and rations running low, the British had a decision to make: Attempt to counterattack, or surrender. Given the Japanese supply shortages, the former would have had a good chance of succeeding, but this was not known at the time. Instead, Lt. Gen. Percival opted for surrender.
Despite a call from Churchill to fight to the bitter end, Percival met Gen. Yamashita on February 15, face-to-face, to discuss an end to hostilities. By late evening that same day, the British agreed to unconditional surrender.
Never before had the British Empire suffered a defeat of this scale. Eighty-five thousand British and Commonwealth troops were taken prisoner – the single largest capitulation in the empire’s history.

Singapore itself would suffer more than just a humiliating defeat. In the years that followed, 50,000 civilians would die under the Japanese occupation. Only in September 1945, after Japan’s surrender, would the island be liberated.
The two commanders in the conflict, Generals Percival and Yamashita, shared differing fates. Percival spent most of the war as a POW, while Yamashita took control of Japanese forces in the Philippines. When Yamashita surrendered the islands in 1945, Percival was there to witness it. Yamashita was later tried for war crimes and hanged in 1946. Percival would return home to England, dying in late January 1966.