A Collection of Great Stories that Teach, Inform, and Inspire Millions of ReadersExclusively Authored by Academics. Trusted by Scholars, Classrooms, and Enthusiasts
Great Stories that Teach, Inform, and Inspire Millions of Readers. Authored by Academics. Trusted by Scholars, Classrooms, and Enthusiasts.

168极速赛车手机版直播开奖视频,线上看开奖结果号码 1分钟极速赛车开奖结果 Cain’s Marriage: Who Did the Biblical Killer Marry?
Genesis tells us that Cain, one of the first humans, moved away from his family and settled in Nod. But who was his wife?

Tattoos in the Bible: Can Christians Modify Their Bodies?
In general, Christians have usually had a negative view of tattoos, believing tattoos in the Bible are forbidden. But is this true?